Exploring the stress of modern American motherhood, and what we can do about it. 

Stress, a term that means everything and nothing

The term 'stress' is broad and poorly defined in both colloquial and clinical use. And yet, it is EVERYWHERE. In the context of women’s health, in order to effectively address stress, we need a better way to conceptualize the stressors of modern American motherhood.

Through an interconnected lens, centering stress in this context will facilitate a more productive view — a view that will open new opportunities to assess health risks while validating solutions that alleviate or buffer stress as preventive healthcare.

Mapping the stressor web of modern American motherhood

In order to center stress, we need to know what we’re working with. 

Specifically, a more comprehensive understanding of related stressors, the links between stressors, and what these stressors and links mean for mothers and birthing parents to and through all stages of pregnancy and parenting.

That is where we are starting with Phase 1.

Phase 1 = Mapping

The initial mapping process will identify and explore key, layered stressor ‘nodes’ in the web and how they connect. In addition, the process will examine the complexity within and between stressors as well as define and highlight key solutions and opportunities for impact.

This phase will establish the base layer for the project, focusing mostly on research, writing, and in-depth conversations with experts.

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